How I wish I am a handphone

Have you read the book “5 love languages” by Gary Chapman. Inside it tell you about each person have their very own love languages. 5 love languages mention is

1. Quality time

2. Gift giving

3. Physical touch

4. Acts of service

5. Words of affirmation

Now my love language is physical touch. It is tough when your partner don’t always remember. I do told or anger issues her few times but.. Still.

How I wish I am handphone. For you can be hold longer than we hold hand. We spent more time on working, searching info, reading, communicating, learning on the phone than cuddle, hug, kiss or simple holding your partner’s hand. I do try from my side but it just feeling one side. You can scrolling, reading before sleep but you can’t hug or cuddle your partner who is physical touch type of person.

How I wish I am handphone. For you hardly forget your phone need. When your phone battery low, you never forget to charge it up.. You can put so much effort into adding contacts, doing works and etc but forget the need for physical touch love language. How painful for the physical touch type for they can’t feel the love. But please do understand, the partner love you but didn’t make it in a way that you feel love.

How I wish I am handphone. For we can spend time together. Nowadays parent pass the phone to their kid to make their life easier during meal, socialise around and even before sleep. We adults also spend time with handphone during work/business. It is so precious to everyone till spending time with it is the best. How I wish can get that kind of attention.

Everyone please put effort into your partner’s love languages. Never think your love language suit your partner. No one is perfect but try put effort in loving your partner based on their language. Even you put a lot of effort but not in their language. Your partner don’t feel it. They maybe try to tell themselves that they are loved one but when people use the right language to your partner, your partner will be fall.

In Christian, the marriage vow is serious mention the important of marriage. Is about 3 as one, God, husband and wife. The vow mention for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and to cherish, till death us do part but divorced cases increase, cheating increase, adultery increase. Remember your kids you need to spent but your partner you need to spend more for your partner stay with you till end. Please remember. I fallen badly before, I don’t know whether my wife love me because I never get the love language. My heart become empty and running away from God because I have pride and knowledge, and I want to enjoy the world. I don’t know what I live for until one day I thinking of suicide. I feel meaningless and empty.

In the end, I return back but not as holy, I am sinner. Day day I commit sins and I fail to live like Jesus style. However, I understand God love is so great and I try improve myself. Because I am sinner, I still make same sin again but I confess and try live better. Discuss with my wife, but most of the time angry at her for simple mind. I also need to change too. So, my advise for you is sit down and talk with your partner on to improve the relationship. It should be growing not maintaining. Don’t listen or believe the term “wife always right” for both of you need submit to each other. Never one side. And for Christian, pray, read Bible, devotion and bible study.

All the Best. Lastly, please put the phone. It is not important whether work time, free time, meal time. Spend time with your love one for only here for few years. Life is short. Bye Bye

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